Stephen Boots

Microsoft MVP - 2004 - 2020
Computer Enthusiast Since 1975
I've been passionate about computers and technology since my Introduction to Computers course in college back in 1975 or so. I graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Technology and worked in the steel fabrication industry for a few years before being able to put my passion to work full time. My first computer was an IBM PC with dual floppy drives, 256 Kb of RAM, and a CGA adapter for display (16 colors). I bought it with a copy of Microsoft Word 1.0 and the original Microsoft Mouse. We've certainly come a long way since those early days and I've enjoyed the ride. I am an admin for the forums at Computer Haven and occasional answerer at the Microsoft Virus and Malware forums which I moderated for many years. I also moderated the Windows Live One Care forums and the Live Mesh Forums for Microsoft before they were closed in 2011. I still frequent some of the Microsoft Public Newsgroups that are still appearing on several nntp servers, specifically those for Windows Essentials (formerly Windows Live) products and services.
I enjoy helping people with technology and computers. Microsoft has thanked me with a Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award since October of 2004. From 2016 to 2020, I was awarded as a Windows Insider MVP.
I live in NJ, USA with my lovely wife and our dogs.